Certification Information Session of Demand Driven Institute- USA

This webinar intends to sensitize participants about the certifications offered by DDI-USA. As an Approved Knowledge Partner (AKP) in Pakistan, we are passionate to keep you well-informed about two of its renowned certifications i.e. DDP (Demand Driven Planner) and DDL (Demand Driven Leader). Apart from aforementioned certifications, there are very innovative and unique Demand Driven Methodologies that have been used in benchmarked companies throughout the world. Through these certifications, we can help you improve your supply chain expertise, and at the same time, enhance your company’s supply chain capabilities. DDI was founded with the vision to become one of the key learning platforms for Demand Driven Methodologies. Winning-Creed partnered with Demand Driven Institute in 2021 in order to enhance the capacity of Supply Chain professionals. We are strong proponents of Demand Driven Methodology: Position, Protect, Pull and Adapt. In this webinar, we will inform you about the benefits of doing DDI certifications, it’s applications in the Industry, possibilities of career progression, and special capacity building discounts of doing these certifications in Pakistan. You can click on the following link to get yourself registered.
- Location: Online
- Date: 19 Jun, 2022
- Time: 02:00 pm to 04:00 pm
- Phone: (+92) 300-0280-822