Certified Sustainable Supply Chain Professional (CSSCP) – Accredited by ISCEA-USA

Course Description

Start Date: 10th August, 2023 End Date: 28th September, 2023
Duration: 32 Hours Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced

The CSSCP program will educate employees and industry on ways to add sustainable practices to the existing supply chain or how to rebuild current supply chain with sustainability in mind. The end goal of the CSSCP course is to educate all professionals on how to maximize success of supply chain in a way that protects the future of the planet and is sustainable in nature without sacrificing supply chain efficiency. The course aims to show that sustainability and optimized supply chain are not mutually exclusive, but rather can complement each other. The CSSCP program will also support some of the UN SDGs and can be used to educate those who are interested in pledging to the SDG Ambition goals.

Participants are required to appear in online proctored final examination to get CSSCP. At least 70% marks are required to pass the final examination, which entails 150 MCQs to be completed in 180 minutes. If any participant is not successful in the first attempt then second attempt, within a month, is given free of charge. Any other attempts after second attempt costs participant another US$250.

Simulation Game: This certification is also augmented with two rounds of Inchainge simulation ‘The Cool Connection’.              

Schedule: This program is broken into 8 sessions over 8 contiguous weeks. Each session will be delivered once per week on Wednesdays from 06:00 pm to 10:00 pm (Pakistan Standard Time).