Certified Supply Chain Analyst (CSCA) – Accredited by ISCEA-USA
Course Description
Start Date: 08th July, 2022 | End Date: 29th July, 2022 |
Duration: 15 Hours | Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate |
CSCA is a renowned ISCEA certification meant for those aspirants who just started in the field of Supply Chain or want to shift in the domain of Supply Chain. The program is designed by combining theory with practice led by an experienced instructor. The body of knowledge (BoK) clearly defines the rules of the game and its application explicitly distinguishes winners from the laggards. This certification consists of a vigorous conceptual training along with 2 rounds of Inchainge simulation game. It is ideal for start-up supply chain professionals.
This program is designed to provide you the opportunity to demonstrate your mastery of the body of knowledge relating to the basics of the supply chain. Foundational Topics, Theories, Decision Aids, and Strategies will be presented in a clear and concise manner. Specifically, some of the topics presented are Sourcing, Role of Inventory in the Supply Chain, MRP, and Transportation. Beyond these specific supply chain topics, related issues such as Team dynamics, Sustainability, Lean and Continuous Improvement Tools, will be presented.
Participants are required to appear in online proctored final examination to get license CSCA. At least 70% marks are required to pass the final examination, which entails 100 MCQs to be completed in 120 minutes. If any participant is not successful in the first attempt then second attempt, within a month, is given free of charge. Any other attempts after second attempt costs participant another US$200.
SCHEDULE: This program is broken into 4 sessions over 4 contiguous weeks. Each session will be delivered once per week on Fridays from 05:30 pm to 09:00 pm (Pakistan Standard Time).